Gene TACSTD2, tumor associated calcium signal transducer 2

ENSEMBL ID: ENSG00000184292 , Entrez ID: 4070

Genomic position: 1:- (-) , (1p32.1)

Gene type: protein_coding

Known synonyms: EGP-1, EGP1, GA733-1, GA7331, GP50, M1S1, TROP2

Other descriptions: tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2 , 40kD glycoprotein, identified by monoclonal antibody GA733 , cell surface glycoprotein TROP2 , cell surface glycoprotein Trop-2 , epithelial glycoprotein-1 , gastrointestinal tumor-associated antigen GA7331 , membrane component, chromosome 1, surface marker 1 , pancreatic carcinoma marker protein GA733-1 , pancreatic carcinoma marker protein GA7331 , trophoblast cell surface antigen 2 , truncated TACSTD2

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