Single nucleotide variant rs2272351

Genomic position: 7:

Allele info and frequencies

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This SNP has no significant association with diseases nor in high LD with index SNPs.

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There are no significant eQTL association in gene level to this SNP.

There are no significant eQTL association in transcript level related to this SNP.

Click on marker name to go to that marker. Cilck table header to sort by that attribute.

Marker ID p-value Regression coefficient markerQTL plot More
AMPA receptor ligand specific CNQX binding by autoradiography@hippocampus (subiculum) 0.000000000861885 5.20134 Display markerQTL plot
kynurenic acid, uM (pmoles per mg tissue) by HPLC@cingulate 0.0000000000196583 4.85271 Display markerQTL plot
7S RNA by RT-PCR@occipital 0.0000000000000763483 1259.63 Display markerQTL plot
ATP6 RNA by RT-PCR@occipital 0.0000000000609768 305.859 Display markerQTL plot
ATP8 RNA by RT-PCR@occipital 0.00000000159019 299.842 Display markerQTL plot
COX2 RNA by RT-PCR@occipital 0.00000000012052 309.648 Display markerQTL plot
COX3 RNA by RT-PCR@occipital 0.000000000613755 601.839 Display markerQTL plot
CYB RNA by RT-PCR@occipital 0.0000000000352275 296.885 Display markerQTL plot
ND1 RNA by RT-PCR@occipital 0.000000000000250902 469.423 Display markerQTL plot
ND2 RNA by RT-PCR@occipital 0.00000000000160488 301.944 Display markerQTL plot
ND3 RNA by RT-PCR@occipital 0.0000000000000145967 332.853 Display markerQTL plot
ND5 RNA by RT-PCR@occipital 0.000000000000603094 322.997 Display markerQTL plot
ND6 RNA by RT-PCR@occipital 0.00000000000993431 322.115 Display markerQTL plot