Single nucleotide variant rs3811080

Genomic position: 6:

Allele info and frequencies

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This SNP has no significant association with diseases nor in high LD with index SNPs.

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There are no significant eQTL association in gene level to this SNP.

There are no significant eQTL association in transcript level related to this SNP.

Click on marker name to go to that marker. Cilck table header to sort by that attribute.

Marker ID p-value Regression coefficient markerQTL plot More
DDR1isoform d (2^(-DDCt)) RNA by RT-PCR@frontal 0.000000000116936 55.1713 Display markerQTL plot
Uric acid by mass spectrometry@frontal 0.000000000666408 0.0132064 Display markerQTL plot