List of genes

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Showing 58786-58800 of

Gene name ENSEMBL ID Genomic position Gene biotype More
RNVU1-8 ENSG00000286172 1:147084615-147084756 (-) snRNA
AC006158.3 ENSG00000286173 Y:9395474-9397467 (-) transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene
AL596330.2 ENSG00000286174 1:224703271-224712849 (-) antisense
AC023490.4 ENSG00000286175 22:18633983-18634682 (+) protein_coding
AC116317.1 ENSG00000286176 4:6302885-6308636 (-) bidirectional_promoter_lncRNA
AC011462.6 ENSG00000286177 19:41307396-41310412 (-) antisense
FP236383.10 ENSG00000286178 21:8423759-8424071 (+) TEC
AL139351.2 ENSG00000286179 20:48007874-48022237 (-) lincRNA
AC073140.2 ENSG00000286180 7:148940264-148941228 (-) lincRNA
AC232271.3 ENSG00000286181 X:49262865-49270521 (-) antisense
AC112172.2 ENSG00000286182 5:29239921-29265940 (-) lincRNA
AC124861.2 ENSG00000286183 2:240189709-240194408 (-) lincRNA
AC242842.3 ENSG00000286185 1:149390622-149556361 (+) protein_coding
AC018445.5 ENSG00000286186 18:79460377-79465843 (-) antisense
AC024236.1 ENSG00000286187 Y:21825440-21846721 (+) lincRNA