List of genes

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Showing 1141-1155 of

Gene name ENSEMBL ID Genomic position Gene biotype More
TRPM5 ENSG00000070985 11:2404514-2423045 (-) protein_coding
NCK2 ENSG00000071051 2:105744911-105894274 (+) protein_coding
MAP4K4 ENSG00000071054 2:101696849-101894689 (+) protein_coding
MGAT4A ENSG00000071073 2:98619105-98731132 (-) protein_coding
RPL31 ENSG00000071082 2:101002228-101024032 (+) protein_coding
WDR1 ENSG00000071127 4:10074338-10116949 (-) protein_coding
SNX13 ENSG00000071189 7:17790760-17940501 (-) protein_coding
AP001034.1 ENSG00000071203 11:60492777-60507430 (+) protein_coding
ARHGAP10 ENSG00000071205 4:147732062-148072780 (+) protein_coding
RPS6KA2 ENSG00000071242 6:166409363-166906451 (-) protein_coding
ING3 ENSG00000071243 7:120950762-120977216 (+) protein_coding
VASH1 ENSG00000071246 14:76761467-76783015 (+) protein_coding
LMCD1 ENSG00000071282 3:8501806-8574668 (+) protein_coding
BUD23 ENSG00000071462 7:73683024-73705161 (+) protein_coding
SEL1L ENSG00000071537 14:81471546-81533853 (-) protein_coding