List of pathology markers

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Showing 3721-3735 of

Marker type Marker name Brain region Specific region Method
Protein Protein, GFAP 311 Frontal Cortex frontal (BA10) gel eletrophresis (two-dimensional gel eletrophresis)
Cell Cell, neuron planimetry (Planimetry (1x109)) Thalamus thalamus Planimetry
Protein Protein, GFAP 500 Frontal Cortex frontal (BA10) gel eletrophresis (two-dimensional gel eletrophresis)
Protein Protein, nNOS Frontal Cortex frontal (BA9) western blot
Protein Protein, iNOS Frontal Cortex frontal (BA9) western blot
Protein Protein, eNOS Frontal Cortex frontal (BA9) western blot
Protein Protein, GFAP Frontal Cortex frontal (BA9) western blot
Protein Protein, NR4A1 Frontal Cortex frontal (BA9) western blot
Protein Protein, PRKCA membrane bound Frontal Cortex frontal (BA8/9) western blot
Protein Protein, phosphirylated-PRKCA membrane bound Frontal Cortex frontal (BA8/9) western blot
Protein Protein, PRKCE membrane bound Frontal Cortex frontal (BA8/9) western blot
Protein Protein, phosphosylated-PRKCE membrane bound Frontal Cortex frontal (BA8/9) western blot
Protein Protein, BCL2 membrane bound Frontal Cortex frontal (BA8/9) western blot
Protein Protein, BCL2L1 membrane bound Frontal Cortex frontal (BA8/9) western blot
Protein Protein, PRKCA cytosolic Frontal Cortex frontal (BA8/9) western blot