List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

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Showing 301-315 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs10030146 4:100695124
rs10030262 4:116406627
rs10030428 4:143762699
rs10030553 4:174091
rs10030586 4:94229654
rs10030660 4:119515549
rs10030709 4:24364536
rs1003081 11:119043282
rs10030893 4:36849228
rs10031231 4:58682834
rs10031451 4:67680815
rs10031483 4:119501481
rs10031665 4:119501697
rs10031694 4:10183332
rs10031718 4:119374737