List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

No sorting applied.

Showing 646-660 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs1006406 4:143761710
rs10064253 5:124048995
rs10064278 5:45786496
rs10064561 5:121763860
rs10064681 5:46222829
rs10064702 5:50336928
rs10064792 5:46202002
rs10064817 5:25574084
rs10064829 5:46192959
rs10064905 5:46084337
rs10065149 5:46297648
rs10065236 5:121841863
rs10065298 5:65416383
rs10065314 5:46290757
rs10065324 5:54122588