List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

No sorting applied.

Showing 826-840 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs1008318 7:141733834
rs10083274 13:92460734
rs10083367 14:103847846
rs10083370 14:103847845
rs10083764 16:52373615
rs1008391852 7:24430744
rs10084110 19:21638735
rs10084114 19:21639164
rs1008434 21:36638034
rs10084382 2:36541304
rs10084464 2:36541305
rs10084466 2:183741356
rs10084553 21:36971999
rs10084648 3:161703334
rs10084814 4:64957820