List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

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Showing 901-915 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs10093202 8:144368785
rs10093238 8:86454867
rs10093379 8:86435831
rs1009361 2:84037355
rs10093792 8:120502870
rs10093852 8:4354653
rs10093861 8:120232167
rs10093924 8:58371134
rs10094040 8:144962152
rs10094213 8:130968391
rs10094863 8:109326966
rs10095065 8:91077245
rs10095129 8:86454079
rs10095211 8:121481894
rs10095389 8:5216582