List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

No sorting applied.

Showing 96091-96105 of

SNP ID Genomic position
snp_11:52684911 11:52684911
snp_11:52772112 11:52772112
snp_11:52875959 11:52875959
snp_11:53055850 11:53055850
snp_11:53220232 11:53220232
snp_11:53355538 11:53355538
snp_11:53495711 11:53495711
snp_11:53523272 11:53523272
snp_11:53594119 11:53594119
snp_11:53633648 11:53633648
snp_11:53667671 11:53667671
snp_11:53697168 11:53697168
snp_11:54191653 11:54191653
snp_11:58819662 11:58819662
snp_12:36679137 12:36679137