List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

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Showing 1186-1200 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs10132921 14:21619416
rs10132928 14:94118072
rs1013299 3:64360755
rs1013300 4:13593935
rs10133054 14:64937398
rs10133149 14:58982876
rs10133266 14:58982999
rs10133290 14:64937724
rs10133477 14:61788264
rs10133561 14:61788343
rs10133567 14:61788368
rs10133607 14:93862950
rs10133647 14:43533362
rs10134008 14:88549183
rs10134119 14:58993521