List of transcripts

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Showing 256-270 of

Transcript name ENSEMBL ID Genomic position Transcript biotype More
NTN1-201 ENST00000173229 17:9021509-9244000 (+) protein_coding
ISOC1-201 ENST00000173527 5:129094748-129114028 (+) protein_coding
KLF6-201 ENST00000173785 10:3779046-3782051 (-) processed_transcript
TRO-201 ENST00000173898 X:54920810-54931431 (+) protein_coding
MNT-201 ENST00000174618 17:2384072-2401060 (-) protein_coding
AP3M2-201 ENST00000174653 8:42152945-42171183 (+) protein_coding
LAPTM4A-201 ENST00000175091 2:20032649-20051628 (-) protein_coding
ADAM7-201 ENST00000175238 8:24441025-24509565 (+) protein_coding
ASNS-201 ENST00000175506 7:97852117-97872542 (-) protein_coding
PTPN18-201 ENST00000175756 2:130356055-130375405 (+) protein_coding
DRD4-201 ENST00000176183 11:637292-640706 (+) protein_coding
SCT-201 ENST00000176195 11:626308-627181 (-) protein_coding
ALDH3A2-201 ENST00000176643 17:19648525-19677596 (+) protein_coding
STK10-201 ENST00000176763 5:172042078-172188224 (-) protein_coding
ALPK1-201 ENST00000177648 4:112297369-112441812 (+) protein_coding