List of pathology marker associations

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Showing 43411-43417 of

SNP ID Marker name p-value Regression coefficient More
rs4857356 SLC1A3 RNA by in situ hybridization@Superficial frontal 0.000000000253314 0.211147
rs1811887 SLC1A3 RNA by in situ hybridization@Superficial frontal 0.000000000355867 0.132379
snp_19:26092318 SLC1A3 RNA by in situ hybridization@Superficial frontal 0.000000000357128 0.124269
snp_2:111352985 SLC1A3 RNA by in situ hybridization@Deep frontal 0.000000000110786 0.118148
rs4809360 SLC1A3 RNA by in situ hybridization@Deep frontal 0.000000000264713 0.115061
snp_19:26092318 SLC1A3 RNA by in situ hybridization@Deep frontal 0.000000000447878 0.11
rs878873154 SLC1A3 RNA by in situ hybridization@Deep frontal 0.000000000757023 0.118139