List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

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Showing 496-510 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs10050092 4:119610930
rs10050382 5:95226240
rs10050600 5:158319050
rs10050687 5:107620410
rs10050796 5:50295397
rs10050829 5:46072628
rs10050834 5:111091630
rs10050904 5:21531942
rs10051013 5:131087208
rs10051107 5:46214889
rs10051108 5:34928358
rs10051145 5:132485132
rs1005125 6:28399578
rs10051255 5:110366722
rs10051297 5:172345885