List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

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Showing 586-600 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs1005786 7:23106218
rs10057917 5:151066085
rs10058104 5:174445732
rs10058125 5:178024638
rs10058130 5:94650422
rs1005822 16:64842774
rs10058281 5:46263846
rs10058303 5:31067685
rs10058391 5:162895609
rs10058430 5:46254913
rs10058441 5:166153275
rs1005858 11:69089448
rs10058618 5:94699331
rs10058660 5:45889424
rs10058698 5:71374944