List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

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Showing 76-90 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs10007434 4:170801490
rs10007603 4:88217726
rs10007635 4:24367829
rs10007636 4:59195831
rs10007653 4:151602903
rs10007944 4:180372665
rs10008002 4:59190229
rs1000810 6:52670133
rs10008121 4:59190399
rs10008459 4:119473076
rs10008546 4:167044157
rs10008791 4:119510314
rs10008910 4:67634453
rs10009089 4:15634667
rs10009427 4:166358573