List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

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Showing 91-105 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs10009450 4:119470103
rs10009566 4:119637453
rs10009626 4:119548850
rs10009665 4:89103809
rs10009670 4:126106
rs10009725 4:59198536
rs10010131 4:6291188
rs10010139 4:103552083
rs10010188 4:67668674
rs10010355 4:119339888
rs10010553 4:64922415
rs10010572 4:41150612
rs10010696 4:119243148
rs1001072 4:100762418
rs10010801 4:119388873