List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

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Showing 95926-95940 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs9984022 21:27605486
rs998403 1:62462878
rs9984101 21:27604867
rs998426 9:11604724
rs9984599 21:46361432
rs9984861 21:37089728
rs9984911 21:37089941
rs9985217 22:38278833
rs9985747 4:663577
rs9986324 5:148266202
rs9986447 6:42975041
rs9986726 7:23069505
rs998732 19:19267862
rs9987486 9:115527911
rs9988 17:75234761