List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

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Showing 95986-96000 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs9993347 4:119337800
rs9993399 4:100262697
rs9993504 4:159178618
rs9993575 4:163533619
rs9993714 4:126233588
rs9993748 4:15487536
rs9993930 4:100254070
rs9994166 4:112202676
rs999418 1:153627648
rs9994311 4:63912572
rs9994482 4:151470078
rs9994488 4:119666626
rs9994511 4:59188403
rs9994640 4:8593770
rs9994651 4:119666648