List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

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Showing 166-180 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs10016998 4:151236034
rs10017009 4:123609166
rs10017013 4:142925492
rs10017271 4:119390991
rs10017289 4:949746
rs10017299 4:64924826
rs10017314 4:100250902
rs10017335 4:119460368
rs10017371 4:119372621
rs10017389 4:119460257
rs10017543 4:119400265
rs10017560 4:47447596
rs10017579 4:79767682
rs10017586 4:11932620
rs10017804 4:142929228