List of SNPs

Click the SNP id , and genomic position table header to sort.

No sorting applied.

Showing 196-210 of

SNP ID Genomic position
rs10019517 4:167702453
rs10019674 4:119522334
rs10019728 4:94150463
rs10019742 4:176764749
rs10019914 4:53397752
rs10020027 4:119460724
rs10020034 4:119373176
rs10020115 4:11938965
rs10020256 4:119366110
rs10020429 4:189029243
rs10020534 4:53327506
rs10021112 4:107903511
rs1002135 17:2194289
rs10021407 4:151543850
rs1002152 4:119352232